Operating Costs

Daily cover costs are lower with the use of Enviro Cover System. When reusable tarps are used, manpower and time are needed to retrieve the tarps before the disposal of additional waste. Tarps may be damaged during the application and removal process, resulting in replacement or maintenance costs. In areas where snowing may occur, the loss of tarps due to burial in unexpected snow can be costly.


Enviro Cover is applied in panels of variable lengths and it can conveniently fit into the most irregular size and shape of a working face. On the contrary, the size and shape of a working face may not match with that of reusable tarps. As a result, extra tarps will be required to “picture-frame” the working face to form a complete cover.

Health Hazard to Workers

Enviro Cover is nonreusable and does not require any handling after it comes in contact with the waste. The application of reusable tarps often requires manual placement of anchoring materials such as sandbags, soil, tires and other inert materials along the edges and the overlaps of the panels. Due consideration must be given to the pathogenic hazard to the workers associated with the application, removal and handling of reusable tarps.

Leachate Generation

Unlike Enviro Cover, which does not require removal and provides a continuous impermeable barrier to water infiltration, reusable tarps can provide barrier to water infiltration only when it is in place.

Odor and Gas Emissions

Enviro Cover is a continuous impermeable barrier for odor and gas emission control.  Odor and landfill gas are freely released to the environment when the tarp is removed for the operation on the next day.