Air Space Savings

The use of Enviro Cover significantly extends the lifespan of a landfill compared to soil cover. Enviro Cover takes up almost zero volume compared with the regulatory required minimum of 6 inches of soil cover. The thickness of soil cover depends on the evenness of the working face and is often more than 6 inches. This becomes an important operational and economic consideration.

Operating Costs

Daily cover costs are considerably lower with the use of Enviro Cover System. Operating costs in terms of time, space and manpower associated with the import, moving, spreading, compacting, recovery and storage of soil is considerably reduced. Some landfills do not have enough suitable soil material to be used as daily cover. Enviro Cover System reduces the cost of importation of suitable soil material into the site and reduces the traffic associated with the importation of the soil around the site. The manpower and equipment required in obtaining, storing and placing soil as daily cover may not be the most economical use of these resources.

Leachate Generation

Enviro Cover is a continuous impermeable barrier to water infiltration. It excels in enhancing surface water runoff and reducing leachate generation within the landfill. Soil cover can have permeability gap problem caused by uneven soil distribution. Certain soils may not be effective in shedding rainwater from the working face, thereby increasing water infiltration and leachate generation.

Odor and Gas Emissions

Enviro Cover is a continuous impermeable barrier for odor and gas emission control.  Because of low permeability of the cover layer, odor and gas emissions are controlled and trapped within the landfill.

Gas and Leachate Collection

Enviro Cover is mechanically destroyed by subsequent placement of waste. Destroyed Enviro Cover will not impede leachate and gas collection. This permits normal waste degradation process to occur and landfill gas to be produced. By contrast, soil cover layer with high clay/silt content can trap leachate and disrupt the flow and the collection of landfill gas. Unintended leachate flow will become leachate “seeps” and unintended landfill gas migration will become a hazard to the buildings and structures adjacent to the landfill.